Walking about with peeled lips can be aesthetically challenging sometimes. Boys can manage to put up with this...
What is Spigelian Hernia?
A hernia is a condition whereby an organ pushes out of the tissue or muscle holding...
What Does Nitrate in Urine Mean?
For people who have started experiencing certain symptoms like foul smelling...
What are Bulging veins?
In the human body, all the veins have one-way valves that help to keep the circulatio...
The human body has lots of big and small organs. Each of these organs has been developed to perform various bi...
Hemoptysis is simply that condition that causes a person to cough up blood from the lungs. Hemoptysis can be a...
What is Exfoliative Keratolysis?
Exfoliative Keratolysis often called “keratolysis exfoliativa” or “foc...
Small amount of blood in vomit is a condition when a person finds small traces of blood while throwing up. Sci...
Excessive smelly gas is a condition that occurs when stomach or abdominal cavity has some kind of problem or s...
Wrinkled fingertips is a condition in which tips of the fingers gets wrinkles and turn red. This is a very com...
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